--- title: "How `move` functions map to `move2` functions" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{How `move` functions map to `move2` functions} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", echo = FALSE ) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) ``` In this document there is a mapping for `move` to `move2` functions. Not all functions will have a direct replacement, at least not initially. In some cases this is by design to make the scope of the `move2` package more streamlined. Also not that in many cases the functions are not direct drop in replacement and return slightly different formats (e.g. distance and speed functions now always return vectors). Rather consider this mapping a pointer of where to start looking if you search a `move2` equivalent. ```{r tosort} tribble( ~move, ~move2, ~`Note/comment`, "`angle()`", "`mt_azimuth()`", "", "`trackId()`", "`mt_track_id()`", "", "`timestamps()`", "`mt_time()`", "", "`timestamps()<-`", "`mt_set_time()`", "", "`timeLag()`", "`mt_time_lags()`", "", "`distance()`, `seglength()`", "`mt_distance()`", "", "`speed()`", "`mt_speed()`", "", "`moveStack()`", "`mt_stack()`", "", "`n.indiv()`", "`mt_n_tracks()`", "", "`n.locs()`", "`nrow()`/`table(mt_track_id())`", "", "`idData()`", "`mt_track_data()`", "", "`idData()<-`", "`mt_set_track_data()`", "", "`turnAngleGc()`", "`mt_turnangle()`", "", "`unUsedRecords()`", "`x[sf::st_is_empty(x),]`", "", "`namesIndiv()`", "`unique(mt_track_id())`", "", "`getDuplicatedTimestamps()`", "`mt_is_time_ordered(..., non_zero = TRUE)`", "This is not a perfect replacement, but atleast gives a warning where duplicated times occur.", "`citations()`, `citations()<-`", "`mt_track_data()$citation`, `mutate_track_data(x, citation=...)`", "Citations are now a track properties, this helps when combining studies.", "`licenseTerms()`, `licenseTerms()<-`", paste0( "`mt_track_data()$license_type`, `mutate_track_data(x, license_type=...)`, `mt_track_data()$license_terms`,", " `mutate_track_data(x, license_terms=...)`" ), paste( "Licenses are not tracked per object separate anymore, rather they are considered a track attribute.", "This should facilitate more easly traceing what study has what license." ), "`split()`", "`split(x, mt_track_id(x))`", "", "`plot()`", "`plot()`, `plot(mt_track_lines())`", "", "`equalProj()`", "`sf::st_crs()==sf::st_crs()`", "", "`burst()`, `burstId()`, `burstId()<-`, `plotBursts()`", "", paste( "Currently bursting is not explicit functionality of the package, `group_by` might replace some functionality", "that is however grouping per point and not per segment" ), "`show()`", "`print()`", "", "`move()`", "`mt_as_move2()`", "", "`interpolateTime()`", "`mt_interpolate()`", "", "`thinTrackTime()`", "`mt_filter_per_interval()`", "These two functions are not exactly doing the same, the new one subsets the data to a specified time window, but also retains segments with larger timelags" ) %>% knitr::kable() ``` ## Movebank API related ```{r movebank} tribble( ~move, ~move2, ~`Note/comment`, "`getMovebankStudies()`", "`movebank_download_study_info()`", "", "`getMovebankStudy()`", "`movebank_download_study_info(id = ...)`", "", "`getMovebankData()`", "`movebank_download_study()`", "", "`searchMovebankStudies()`", "", "", "`movebankLogin()`", "`movebank_store_credentials()`, `movebank_remove_credentials()`, `movebank_handle()`", "", "`getMovebank()`", "`movebank_retrieve()`", "", "`getMovebankReferenceTable()`", "`movebank_download_deployment()`", "", "`getMovebankSensors()`", '`movebank_retrieve(entity_type="sensor", tag_study_id=...)`, `movebank_retrieve(entity_type="tag_type")`', "", "getMovebankID()", "`movebank_get_study_id()`", "", "`getMovebankAnimals()`", '`movebank_download_deployment()`, `movebank_retrieve(entity_type = "individual", study_id = ...)`', "", "`getMovebankNonLocationData()`", "`movebank_download_study(study_id=..., sensor_type_id='...')`", "see `movebank_retrieve('tag_type')` for valid `sensor_type_id`", "`getMovebankLocationData()`", "`movebank_download_study()`, `movebank_retrieve(entity_type='event', study_id=...)`", "", "`getMovebankSensorsAttributes()`", '`movebank_retrieve(entity_type = "study_attribute", study_id=..., sensor_type_id=...)`', "see `movebank_retrieve('tag_type')` for valid `sensor_type_id`" ) %>% knitr::kable() ``` ## UD and UD calculation related functions These function will go for a while without an direct replacement as utilization densities are currently not part of the `move2` package. They might also be reproduced in a separate package instead of directly in `move2`. ```{r UD} tribble( ~move, ~move2, ~`Note/comment`, "`UDStack()`", "", "", "`getVolumeUD()`", "", "", "`contour()`", "", "", "`hrBootstrap()`", "", "", "`brownian.bridge.dyn()`", "", "", "`brownian.motion.variance.dyn()`", "", "", "`dynBGB()`", "", "", "`dynBGBvariance()`", "", "", "`raster2contour()`", "", "", "`getMotionVariance()`", "", "", "`outerProbability()`", "", "" ) %>% knitr::kable() ``` ## Todo For the following list either a mapping needs to be made or no alternative exists (yet) ```{r, echo=TRUE} # corridor # emd # getDataRepositoryData # lines # move2ade # points # sensor # summary # thinDistanceAlongTrack # thinTrackTime # unUsedRecords<- ```